Available jobs
We found 3 finance and administration vice-president - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations jobs in the Red Deer Region on Job Bank. The job postings found are for all Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations (NOC 00013).
Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation offinance and administration vice-president - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations (NOC 00013).
Red Deer Polytechnic has received the $3.25M Mobilize grant, an applied research grant from the federal Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Red Deer Polytechnic says it will use the grant to foster regional innovation in manufacturing, energy, healthcare, and social innovation. The grant funds will be distributed over the next five years.
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Educational services
Added on 2024-09-14
Red Deer Region, AB
- rdnewsnow.com